You are currently viewing 2ND CHARLIE WOLF SYMPOSIUM

The second Charlie Wolf Symposium was held on the 23rd of February, 2017, at the Federal Ministry of Environment Conference Room (Brown Building). The theme of the event was “Strengthening Impact Assessment through Partnership, Research and Mentorship.” The two keynote speakers were Prof. A. J. Ajienka of the Institute of Petroleum Studies, University of Port Harcourt, who spoke about “Researchers as Entrepreneurs,” and Engr. Dr. Saka Abdulkareem of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Technology Minna, who spoke on “Mentorship.”

Prof Ajienka discussed the importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/Research in attainment of sustainable development, intellectual property of research work and opportunities for entrepreneurs.

While Dr Saka highlighted the importance of mentorship in the academia and civil service, how application of mentor and mentee program could close generational gap and increase capacity across board.

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